
钻井工程事故的预警是一个长期的、连续的过程,关键参数的细微变化往往是事故发生的前兆,因此必须要高效、准确、周密、迅速捕捉实时参数的变化,实时分析各种参数的变化趋势和工程事故发生的动态概率。软件适用于单井及多井的自动预警,能够实现井场数据实时获取、报警信息存库、自动报警、报警查看功能 …… >>  详情
WITSML是一个由Energistics制定的开放的数据交换标准,软件使用xml格式、以高度文档化的数据接口进行钻井过程的数据交换,格式灵活,表达能力强,适应范围广;采用Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP)的Web Service技术,将石油工业中现场数据参照国际标准WITSML的数据请求封装成SOAP请求,形成便于软件开发的类库及服务器中获取数据的接口标准,实现了全球石油钻井数据的远程传输、数据处理及数据解释 …… >>   详情
该软件系统是集井场数据采集和数据处理于一身的一整套综合软件系统,具有井场数据采集、状态自动判断、参数计算、参数监控、实时数据监控、历史数据回放等功能,并包含气体解释计算、井斜分析计算、水动力计算、压力检测计算、钻头报告计算、工程进度图、井深结构图、压井计算、固井计算、实效分析、套管分析计算、钻具管理等一批数据分析软件 …… >>  详情
石油勘探绘图平台是一个通用性的石油勘探图件绘制工具,软件通过对各种数据库的数据读入,实现各种曲线、文本、岩性、T2能谱图及岩样色谱图等自由组合的显示与打印 …… >>  详情
录井远程实时传输监控系统是一套集数据实时获取、远程传输、实时显示、数据回放、网上浏览于一体的综合系统。该系统能够获取各种录井仪(支持Advantage、ALS2、Welleap、SDL9000、CPS、CMS等主流录井仪)实时采集的井场数据,以统一的数据模型进行分析处理,通过各种网络(有线、2G、3G、卫星、微波)将数据从井场实时传送到数据中心,并以精美的图表和仿真仪表进行实时显示和历史回放,也可以通过插件在IE中浏览。系统操作简单、功能强大、架构灵活,可根据需要进行各种自定义配置,对国际井场数据标准WITS的接收和发送有着良好的支持 …… >>  详情
目前大位移水平井技术在国内外分布应用,薄层开采更对钻井质量提出了很高要求,三维地质导向系统可以使现场工程师对地质构造有着直观、清晰的认识,能够更加准确的指导钻进生产。正在研制的水平井三维地质导向系统,利用地震解释结果、构造等高线、临井数据形成三维构造地质体,建立地质导向模型,进行井眼轨迹跟踪和钻头附近油气显示分析,根据现场作业实时调整导向模型,实时指导水平井钻井施工和预测分析,提高储层钻遇率 …… >>   详情
The warning of drilling engineering accidents is a long and continuous process. The sight changes of key parameters are often the precursors of accidents, so it is necessary to capture the changes of real-time parameters efficiently, accurately, carefully and quickly, and to analyze the changing trend of... >> Details
WITSML is an open data exchange standard formulated by Energistics. The software uses xml format to exchange data in drilling process with highly documented data interface. The format is flexible, the expression ability is strong, and the adaptability is wide. By using Web Service technology of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)... >>  Details
The software system is a set of comprehensive software system which integrates well site data acquisition and data processing. It has the functions of well site data acquisition, automatic state judgment, parameter calculation/monitoring, real-time data monitoring, historical data playback and so on... >> Details
Petroleum exploration drawing platform is a universal tool for drawing petroleum exploration maps. The software realizes the display and printing of all kinds of curves, text, lithology, T2 energy spectrum, rock sample chromatogram and so on free combinations by reading the data of various databases... >> Details
Logging remote real-time transmission monitoring system is a set of integrated system which integrates real-time data acquisition, remote transmission, real-time display, data playback and online browsing. The system can obtain the well site data collected in real time by all kinds of logging tools... >> Details
At present, large displacement horizontal well technology is applied domestic and abroad, thin layer mining puts forward high requirements for drilling quality. 3D geological guidance system can bring intuitive and clear understanding of geological structure to field engineers, so that they can guide drilling production more accurately... >> Details