

辰工试井分析系统V8.0汇集了常规油气试井、低渗透油气藏、凝析气藏、热采井及CO2驱、温度效应试井及页岩气与致密气等非常规油气藏试井解释模块,其组合的渗流方程解达9万余种。试井分析是油气田勘探开发中广泛使用的方法,在试油(试气)或油气田开发测试的基础上,通过测试分析井底压力资料,对储层进行分析评价,对油气田的勘探开发有着重要的指导作用 ……>>  详情
辰工试井分析系统具有庞大的试井分析模型,各种组合解达9万余种;试井分析方法丰富,提供了常规试井、早期试井、DST试井等多种拟合方法;同时提供了强大的数据处理、报告输出等功能,极大地方便了用户的使用及成果的汇报。软件在中石油、中石化及中海洋等油田单位得到应用,仅在大庆油田每年承担数万口井的测试解释评价任务,为石油勘探开发做出了重要贡献。研究成果荣获安徽省科技进步一等奖 ……>>  详情
常规试井分析是指上世纪80年代初,国外学者提出的基于不稳定渗流的解析系列试井方法,主要使用压力及导数试井分析方法。软件可完成采油井、注水井及采气井压降及压力恢复试井分析,采用多流量叠加计算典型曲线图版用于压力及导数曲线拟合 ……>>  详情
试井分析中的半对数解释方法是基于不稳定渗流的径向流理论,而压力及导数双对数拟合试井分析是基于计算典型曲线图版,这两种方法都需要生产及关井时间达到径向流,对于低渗透油气藏在有效的测试时间内,很难满足这个要求。软件采用早期小信号提取及放大的试井分析方法,节约了关井测试时间,可以提高资料解释率和压力资料解释精度,从而降低成本、增加产量。早期试井分析已在现场得到应用验证 ……>>  详情
DST段塞流动是指在油井开采(或生产)期间,液体不断地从地层流向井筒,而井筒中的流体还未到达地面。DST段塞流动在我国低渗透油藏中大量存在,而国外没有提出相应的试井解释方法。采用已知流量的解释分析方法进行试井分析不能得到准确的解释结果,所以软件首先建立了地层及井筒耦合流动的方程(见图1),确定了流量与井底压力的关系,进而提出了流动与恢复的联合试井分析方法,解决了DST段塞流的压力资料解释问题,相关技术已在我国探井测试中得到广泛应用 ……>> 详情
在低渗透(渗透率>10md)及特低渗透(渗透率>1md)油气藏中,油藏供油能力非常差,已不能连续开采。对这样油层的开发一般采用间歇方式采油,间歇采油使试井解释问题十分复杂:生产阶段或停产阶段,地层都不断地生产;在生产期间,井筒中的液面也在上升,地层的压降漏斗也在发生变化;产量和井底压力都是未知的。辰工科技根据间抽及提捞采油的特点,建立了间歇采油的数学模型,提出了全压力历史拟合的试井分析方法 ……>>  详情
缝洞型油藏非均质性非常严重,储层基质物性差,基本不含油,产油部位主要在溶洞、裂缝发育段,钻井过程中如果钻遇溶洞、裂缝发育带,则油井产能高。这类油藏试井曲线不仅种类多,而且部分曲线形态复杂。软件以缝洞型油藏压力恢复试井曲线特征为研究对象,结合勘探开发期间的地震、地质、测井、录井等数据,以力学三大守恒定律为基础,建立井-缝-洞-地层流体流动模型;采用Laplace变换及数值反演技术进行方程求解,得到缝洞型油藏试井分析典型曲线;采用典型曲线拟合及全历史计算方法,实现缝洞型油藏试井分析 ……>> 详情
产能评价是油气田勘探开发的重要工具之一,软件根据油气田勘探开发的特点研制,能对自喷井和非自喷井进行压降、压恢和探边试井设计,特别是非自喷井试井设计功能在国内首次实现。软件考虑了油、气、水等流体,地层渗流及各种类型井筒,同时提供各种不同类型的边界:外边界可选择封闭和定压的随机组合。对于部分射开、水平裂缝、部分压开及水平井等提供了考虑气顶及底水 ……>>  详情
凝析气试井分析软件用于模拟相态特征和油气藏流体性质,确定油气藏特征和流体组分变化时,形成完整的拟压力及压力折算数据。基于凝析气体在地层中存在气相和液相两种相态的考虑,该软件使用质量流量代替油气试井中的体积流量,如果没有输入油气两相相渗曲线,软件自动采用Corey公式的相渗曲线处理凝析气藏 ……>>  详情
对煤层气及页岩气的试井分析是在原试井软件的基础上增加压敏效应、吸附效应。考虑到页岩气水平井多段压裂的计算复杂性,本软件采用GPU进行计算,提高计算速度 …… >> 详情
试井分析是获得多段压裂水平井动态参数的关键技术,通过这些参数就可以对多段压裂的产能进行计算和优化。软件采用解析和数值解两种方法水平井多段裂缝进行优化 …… >> 详情
蒸汽热采导致地层温度变化,从而使得地层中流体性质发生变化,为此需要计算地层及井筒中的温度变化,开展热采试井分析,包括产出剖面及吸汽剖面的解释、焖井压降试井解释及产能预测 …… >> 详情
Chengong well test analysis system V8.0 collected the conventional oil and gas well test, low permeability oil and gas reservoir, condensate gas reservoir, heat recovery well and CO2 drive, temperature effect well test and unconventional oil and gas well test interpretation module such as shale gas and dense gas, in which the combinate seepage equation solutions are more than 90000... >> Details
Chengong well testing analysis system has large amount of well testing analysis models, with over 90,000 combination solutions; Well testing analysis method is abundant, which provides simulation methods such as conventional well testing, early well testing and DST well testing. At the same time, it provides powerful data processing... >>  Details
Conventional well testing analysis refers to a series of analytical well testing methods based on unstable seepage put forward by foreign scholars in the early 1980s, which mainly use pressure and derivative well testing analysis methods. The software can complete the pressure drop and pressure recovery well testing analysis of oil producing wells... >> Details
The semi-logarithmic interpretation method in well testing analysis is based on the radial flow theory of unstable seepage, while the pressure and derivative double logarithmic simulation well testing analysis is based on the calculation of typical curve chart. Both methods require the production and shut-in time to reach the radial flow... >> Details
DST slug flow refers to the continuous flow of liquid from formation to wellbore during oil well exploitation (or production), and the fluid in wellbore has not yet reached the surface. DST slug flow exists in a large number of low permeability reservoirs in China, but no corresponding well testing interpretation method has been put forward abroad... >> Details
In the low permeability (permeability 10md) and ultra-low permeability (permeability 1md) oil and gas reservoir, the oil supply capacity of the reservoir is very poor and cannot be continuously exploited. The development of such an oil layer generally adopts the intermittent oil production... >> Details
The heterogeneity of fracture-hole type reservoir is very serious, the basic reservoir material physical properties are poor and basically oil-free. The oil production is mainly in hole and fracture development section. If hole and fracture development zones are drilled in the drilling process, the productivity of oil wells will be high... >>  Details
Productivity evaluation is one of the important tools for oil and gas field exploration and development. The software is developed according to the characteristics of oil and gas field exploration and development, the software can carry out pressure drop, pressure recovery and edge test well testing design for self-flowing wells and non-self-flowing wells... >> Details
The condensate gas well testing analysis software is used to simulate the phase state characteristics and fluid properties of oil and gas reservoirs, and to form complete pseudo-pressure and pressure conversion data when determining the characteristics of oil and gas reservoirs and the change of fluid components... >> Details
The well testing analysis of coalbed gas and shale gas is to add the pressure sensitive effect and adsorption effect on the basis of the original well testing software. Considering the calculation complexity of multi-stage fracturing of shale gas horizontal well, the software uses GPU to calculate and improves the calculation speed... &gt&gt Details
Well testing analysis is the key technology to obtain the dynamic parameters of multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells, through which the productivity of multi-stage fracturing can be calculated and optimized. The software uses analytical and numerical solutions to optimize multi-fractures in horizontal wells... >> Details
The change of the formation temperature is caused by the thermal production of the steam, so that the fluid property in the formation is changed. So the temperature change in the formation and the wellbore needs to be calculated, and the analysis of the thermal production well testing is carried out... >> Details